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Posted by sex on March 02, 2025 at 01:15:07:

In Reply to: Получение образования необходимо для занятости на пост. posted by https://ramblermails.com/ on November 11, 2024 at 18:33:37:

By the Devonian, plants had adapted to land with roots and woody stems.
In the Carboniferous, horsetails reminiscent of Asterophyllites proliferated in swampy forests.
Conifers grew to become numerous and often dominant within the Jurassic.
Cone of Araucaria mirabilis. Adaptive radiation within the
Cretaceous created many flowering plants, similar to Sagaria within the Ranunculaceae.
In 2019, a phylogeny based on genomes and transcriptomes from
1,153 plant species was proposed. The placing of algal teams is supported by phylogenies based mostly on genomes from the Mesostigmatophyceae
and Chlorokybophyceae that have since been sequenced.
Both the "chlorophyte algae" and the "streptophyte algae" are
treated as paraphyletic (vertical bars beside phylogenetic
tree diagram) on this evaluation, because the land plants arose from inside those teams.
The classification of Bryophyta is supported both by Puttick et al.
Plant cells have some distinctive options that different eukaryotic cells (akin to these of animals) lack.

These are the massive water-crammed central vacuole, chloroplasts, and the robust flexible cell wall, which is exterior
the cell membrane.

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