Some like to take CBD before a workout as a preventive measure. The main point is that whenever you decide or discover the best time of day for you to take CBD oil will ultimately be based on personal preferences. This will affect when the optimal time to take them is. So have you already found that sweet time of day that you take CBD oil? When Is the Best Time of Day to Take CBD Oil? And if you choose to use a CBD tincture much later during the day to prepare for a restful night, then you can take it 30 minutes or so before heading off to bed. The only thing that CBD brings is the feeling of calm and relaxation that allows the other components to work without much hindrance. Much of the enjoyment of vaping - especially vaping CBD - comes from the flavor. While we offer products with higher levels of CBD and lower levels of THC in our Calm & Focus products, studies have shown that THCV can be useful when it comes to reducing anxiety and decreasing stress, without the risk of paranoia.