All seed that is offered in Minnesota (PDF)must be properly labeled to fulfill the requirements of the Minnesota Seed Law (PDF) (Minnesota Statutes, sections 21.80-21.92) and the Federal Seed Act. These legal guidelines are intended to guard customers primarily based on fact-in-labeling ideas and promote honest competitors among seed sellers via the institution of minimal standards. The information provided on the label informs the patron about the contents and quality of seed. The particular person or firm that labels seed should be aware of all applicable laws and laws together with the Plant Variety Protection Act. Compliance with these regulations is set by routine inspections of seed throughout the state to determine if the knowledge on the label is accurate. When a violation of rules is found, the seed regulatory program informs that labeler and requires corrective motion. Truth in labeling: What does a label inform you? Seeds which are bought must have a label showing the purchaser what sort of seed is in the container and that the seed will germinate and develop right into a plant.